Welcome to Class-Tech Music

Key Mastery YouTube Channel

Key Mastery, once a full-time pianist that practiced four to five hours a day, is now a hobbyist with music. Most songs in the past have not been recorded. Additionally, they were before YouTube and the ability to record songs easily. Key Mastery originally started going to college for an A.F.A. with an emphasis on Music Composition; however, after two semesters decided that he didn’t want to pursue that degree. One main reason is that maybe one in a hundred music compositionists make an “ok” living. People with music degrees generally become teachers, work in an orchestra, or play for a choir.

After some thought, Key Mastery decided to change his focus on a degree in Network Administration within Computer Science. Though with this change, he still hasn’t given up on music composition and usually writes one or two songs a year. Key Mastery now works on creating custom instruments with the hardware and software that he uses for composing then the actual composition itself. With this, music inspiration has never ended.